
These snails are just made out of 3 pipe cleaners and two googly-eyes. The only other thing you will need is glue if your googly eyes aren’t the sticker kind, and a pencil or something similar for wrapping.

Take two pipe cleaners of the same color and twist them together starting about ¼ of the way down and twisting to the end. The end that is not twisted and has two ends, is the antennae. Take each antennae and curl them down, then stick or glue a googly-eye on each. Take a third pipe cleaner and coil it around a pencil. Pull the coil off, and thread the tail end of the twisted pipe cleaners through. Pull/push the coil all the way to the end where your antennae begin. Once that is in place, roll up the tail end of the twisted pipe cleaners to make the shell shape.

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