STEAM : Snap Circuits

Join us on Sunday, October 6th for STEAM for kids & teens at the BRPL! We’ll have a plethora of STEAM kits available with which to play and explore! This month’s activity centers around basic circuit building using Snap Circuits. This event is geared for ages 8+ but all are welcome to play and learn. No registration is required but kits are limited. 2 – 5 PM at the Library.

STEAM for kids & teens at the BRPL

Join us on Monday, September 9th for STEAM for kids & teens at the BRPL! We’ll have a plethora of STEAM kits available with which to play and explore! This month’s activity centers around basic circuit building using Snap Circuits. This event is geared for ages 8+ but all are welcome to play and learn. No registration is required but kits are limited. 3-4:30 PM at the Library.

LEGO Disaster challenge

Join us on Tuesday, August 13th from 2-5 PM for a LEGO ISLAND Disaster Challenge. Build an island out of LEGO blocks and toys, then see if it will survive the Challenge! Win prizes and have fun. For all ages and no registration is required.

Stuffed Animal Challenge

Build the tallest structure that will support our stuffed animals and win a prize! For all ages and no registration is required. We’ll provide all the things to you need.


Join us Wednesday from 4-4:45pm for STEAM! We will build together using different toys and activities. This week will be your choice. You may choose to play with whatever STEAM toys we have. Please register so we can ensure we have enough space/supplies.